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Your Brand is what people think and associate with Your Business.

So what do you want people to think?
So what do you want people
to think?
Infograpic SVG graphic animation showing the importance of a brand strategy

Brand Strategy

#Affordable, helpful, encouraging and friendly…

Branding is often thought of as the visual aspect of a brand but without a clear message directed to a carefully selected audience many visuals can pass completely without notice.

We have a put together a 3-step process that you can follow when creating your brand. Get in touch with us at any point along the way and we’ll be happy to help out!

Define Your Brand Core

Defining your Brand’s core values, purpose, mission and vision are the first steps in the process of creating your Brand. Here is where you should start also when making adjustments to your current Brand or when doing a rebranding.

Start by putting together a small team of key people within your Brand. Gather people that are deeply involved internally with your Brand but also people that are involved with your customers. Once assembled it’s time to think and jot down why exactly you are doing what you are doing.

If you are a solo-entrepreneur then it can really help to bounce your ideas off someone. We can be that someone, giving you useful tips and advice that promote the longevity of your Brand.

In this step we create the following:

  • Why does my Brand exist?
    What does the future look like for my Brand?
    How do I create that future?
  • Core values are the beliefs that you, as a Brand can stand by and that guide your Brand story, actions, behaviors, and decision-making process.
  • You are perhaps not the only one with this business idea in your area, but there is only one you!

Take your time!

This step requires a lot of reflection upon your self and your Brand. Our advice is to divide this step up in to several meetings and let it take as long as it takes.

Many companies will have their Brand Core in a very official format such as a statement hidden deep within their websites or annual reports. But how many actually take the time to sit down and feel how they resonate with these statements? Times change and healthy Brands adopt to the times.

This step is different then brainstorming for a marketing campaign, especially if you’re working with a team. In this step you are digging in to the soul and essence of your Brand. Try to avoid going in to the meeting with the thought that you will come out of it with everything clear and written down.

This is so that your team can work without pressure and you don’t end up with something forced.

To help you find your Brand we’ve created a Brand Questionnaire. It is a form that step by step guides you through process of creating your Brand. Sign-up with the form at the end of the page and will mail it to you!

You can fill it up with your team, alone or together with us. If you’d like our help then usually in 2 to 3 online meetings we will have your Brand core fleshed out.

Write messaging that resonates with your core and relates to your audience.

In the previous step we found your unique story, now it’s time to think about how to communicate that story in a relatable and compelling way to your target audience.

During this step it is also good to go through your main selling points for your product or business. In this step you will also crystalize your Brand’s essence and give it a catchy and compelling tagline.

This also works for organizations. Do you want to attract volunteers, or do you need funding? Learn to direct your message towards your audience so that your cause sounds captivating and clear.

Brand personas or your target audience.

Who are your potential Customers? Unless you are selling the cure to aging then you need to think of whom it is that is interested in your Brand, product or service.

In the Brand questionnaire you’ll find a worksheet that helps you envision and write down your target audience.

In this step we create the following:

  • Who the people are that you want to reach. What are they like, what do they like and what needs do they have?
  • An NGO working with mental health doesn’t sound the same as spa center.
    To connect with your audience you need to sound authentic and relatable.
  • Are you a witty and trendy hipster
    or a firm but helpful sibling? Who is the voice that narrates your Brand story?
  • You aren’t just looking for a great name. You’re looking for a great name for you!
  • Red Bull: Red Bull gives you wings.
    Nike: Just Do It.
    The tagline is the extension of your Brand by which people will remember you.
  • Which are the functional and emotional benefits that you offer?
  • Which are the main selling points of your products and or Brand?

The Brand questionnaire is a step by step form that guides you through process of creating your Brand. Sign-up with the form at the end of the page and will mail it to you!

Once you have defined who your audience is then you can start to speak to them.

If you are noticing that your current marketing efforts are not being heard then a quick tip would be to revisit your messaging. See what your Brand is communicating, and if it is speaking to your audience in an understandable and relatable way.

Own your Brand!

Let’s say you want to become a Health Coach or start your Beauty salon or Yoga studio. You are not the only one with this business idea in your area, but there is only one you! Here is where your Brand messaging and story becomes important.

Support your strategy visually with an identity that is uniquely you!

Before diving into your Brand identity and creating a logo as the first thing it’s really important that you have your Brand core and messaging mapped out. In other words, the Brand core and the Brand messaging can be seen as your Brand strategy and the Brand identity the tools to visually support that strategy. Makes sense?

Show your Brand!

Your Brand identity is how you look to the world. Images and graphics communicate on a sensorial level. This is why so many people take their decisions based on what they see before they have even tasted the food, listened to the sales pitch or tried the product. 

Remember that looking cool to one target group can make you look really uncool to an other,  and before you know it you might have alienate a huge crowd .

This is why you have to be certain that your identity or image matches that of your strategy.

Your Brand also needs guidelines and an aesthetic that is recognizable and consistent across all the touchpoints were you are visible.

When designing your identity, you will need a comprehensive visual language that can be applied to everything from your website and Instagram pics to your billing, packaging and even store front! This is called a Brand style guide.

In this step we create the following:

  • A Brand style guide is the handbook over the aesthetics of your Brand. Without one it’s impossible to keep consistent, with one, any Designer can create exact visuals that represent your Brand.
  • A logo is like a visual tagline. It’s how your Brand gets recognized visually.
  • You photos should always be taken with your Brand core and messaging in mind.
  • Show not tell. This rule is golden. Support your cause with infographics and visuals that adhere to your Brand style guide.
  • Your Brand’s website is your most valuable marketing asset. Here you have complete control and can really showcase your Brand!

Contact us!

Are you ready to take control and start branding?

Start by filling in your details and let us know what you are interested in.

Nonni Mäkikärki
“Working with Jenn and John also gave me a creative outlet for my own ideas and they were very good at extracting my vision and concretizing it in a creative and refreshing way.”
Nonni Mäkikärki
Head of NGO, 4BT
Dan Hanley Altrui Consulting
“John is the ultimate professional, and has always treated me as a professional rather than someone who knows nothing about creating and maintaining a business website.”
Dan Hanley
Altrui Consultancy
Katy Burley Organized by burley
“Before meeting them I was struggling to maintain my blog, and my marketing was sporadic. Now I have a Brand Package and I can run Social Media campaigns tied to my blog, run a scheduling system AND I have a beautiful new Website!”
Katy Burley
Taya DeVere
“I needed to move my old Website from Weebly to WordPress before the launch of my upcoming book series. John not only took care transferring the the site but he created a competely new design in a matter of days! I couldn’t be happer.”
Taya Devere

I am interested in:

    Your email and info is safe with us. We will NOT share your info with any 3rd parties.

    Nice to meet you!

    First Contact 📬

    After you’ve filled in the form we’ll get in touch with you and start scoping out your needs and the magnitude of your project.
    Pinpoint your Needs!

    The Brand Questionnaire📜

    For Brand creation and rebranding purposes we’ll ask you to fill out our “Brand Questionnaire”. This questionnaire gives you the tools needed to define your Brand core, and will get you started on your Brand messaging.
    Get Noticed!

    Deliverables 🎁

    Based on our talks and the Brand Questionnaire we’ll begin to work on the agreed upon deliverables. We are a full service Branding Agency, so anything from websites and online campaigns to brochures or even storefront graphics are possible with us.



    The following example packages show what brand elements and touchpoints should be considered when starting out.

    We think that it’s better to start with a couple of carefully selected touchpoints and develop them first. Otherwise you risk spreading yourself thin or burning out trying to stay relevant all over.

    Your Brand lives both on the touchpoints that you have created, but also in the minds of everyone that comes across your Brand.

    ( Touchpoints are places where you interact with your target audiences. )  

    Hair & Nail Salon
    green leaves on white surface
    • A Brand style guide and an identity, including a logo and other visual elements.
    • Photo session in the salon. Photos of the owner and workers, and them interacting with clients.
    • A one paged website with Social Media integration, testimonials and a booking calendar with a payment gateway.
    • Social Media with a booking calendar integration.
    • Print material such as flyers/handouts and a brochure.
    • Facebook and Google ads campaigns.
    • Google My Business listing.
    Italian Restaurant
    person holding brown wooden stick
    • A Brand style guide.
    • A Multi page website including:
      • A front page presentation of the restaurant.
      • An online menu with an ordering system and payment integrations.
      • An online table booking system.
    • Graphic design, flyers, menu, brochure, window decals.
    • Restaurant presentation video and photography.
    • Menu and plating photography.
    • Facebook and Google ad campaign.
    • Google My Business listing.
    • Social media business pages and accounts.
    • Influencer marketing.
    Yoga & Physical Therapy Studio
    orange tabby cat lying on blue bed
    • A Brand style guide.
    • A dynamic Multi page website with:
      • A class booking system with a payment system.
      • A membership section with restricted membership content.
      • A webshop for supplements and health food.
    • Graphic design including a Logo.
    • Presentation videos and video classes.
    • Venue photography.
    • Social Media with a booking system integration.
    • Google My Business listing.
    • Facebook and Google ads campaigns.
    NGO working with mental health
    • A Brand style guide.
    • A dynamic Multi page website with a blog, forum, live chat integration and a donation system.
    • Social Media channels with posting guidelines.
    • Graphic design and corporate branding.
    • Interview based videos and member testimonials.
    • Newsletter campaigns.
    • Workshop for the employees on how to use the website.
    • Google Workspace for NGOs with Google advertising campaign.
    • Google My Business listing.

    Get a package deal!

    Brand Package

    Our Brand packages include the 3 steps of creating a Brand.

    Our brand packages are complete red carpet solutions designed for new or developing brands and work when rebranding as well.

    We set your Brand up on a solid foundation, giving you the right tools and coaching so that you can take control of your brand and become successful!

    I’m interested!